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Music Education Jobs Bulletin

Get our weekly rundown of the latest vacancies.

Training & Events Bulletin

Get a monthly update on our upcoming training and events and those offered by organisations around the music education sector.

Schools & Teachers Newsletter

Get our newsletter for schools and teachers at the start of each half term to stay up to date with all the latest music education news, training, events and resources.

Member Newsletter (Members Only)

A monthly newsletter with updates for Music Mark Members including the latest news, training, events, offers and resources. Sign up below and our Member Newsletter will be sent to you if you have a Music Mark subscription attached to your account.

Hubs & Services Bulletin (Members Only)

If you work at a Music Hub or Music Service that is a Music Mark Member, you can sign up to receive this weekly bulletin featuring policy updates, news, templates, resources and more.

This Is Not A Rehearsal Newsletter

This Is Not A Rehearsal is Music Mark’s newest campaign which aims to raise awareness of the Climate Crisis within the Music Education sector. This monthly newsletter will delve into a different sustainable topic each month.

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