MEHEM Conference 2025 | Music Mark

Cultivating Creativity through Music | MEHEM Conference 2025

Friday 27 June at The Albert Hall, Nottingham

You can find more details on this event here.

Music Mark is providing event management support for this event however MEHEM are the event owners and all delegate booking and contact details will be shared with their management team as appropriate for invoicing and event delivery purposes.

Tickets are £95 (inc.VAT) and your school will be invoiced by your local hub. 

Not from the MEHEM catchment area, but still want to attend?

If your work is outside of the Derby, Derbyshire, Rutland, Peterborough, Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Leicester & Leicestershire areas, please select 'Other' to the question "Which area is your school based in?"

Bookings made by delegates from outside of the MEHEM area will be invoiced by Lincolnshire Music Service. 

MEHEM Conference 2025

Select your organisation if there is a match.

    Do you have any of the following allergies? (Check All That Apply) (optional)

    Do you have any of the following Dietary requirements? (optional)



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